Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Detox Diaries - day 3


Awake to a catfight at 7.30am but at least I had 8 unbroken hours of sleep. I was dreaming that I was running massive distances up and down the hills in my hometown. I wasn’t puffed or in pain. In fact I had masses of energy. Strange, as I never run.

Head clear-ish. Mood, OK. But start thinking about food. Or rather the denial of food. Restricting your diet can shake the core of who you are. I want the ritual of a cup of coffee in bed while I write my journal, or over a long perusal of the Saturday paper. I think of the big vegetarian breakfast at my favourite café.

Instead I have my lemon juice in warm water and start blogging.

Time passes very slowly when your tummy keeps shouting “feed me”. Technically I could gorge myself on apples – the fruit du jour, but I know the more I eat, the hungrier I will ultimately feel. By 1pm I have only got through 2 Pink Ladies, cored and cut into 8ths. Lots of water.

Mineral water becomes an exciting deviation, or the way the fruit is sliced. But by mid afternoon the preoccupation with hunger recedes and by bedtime there is more a sense of emptiness, a rather neutral kind of sensation. Instead of feeling flat and irritated I am quite peaceful and, if not exactly jumping out of my skin, mildly energised

When did you last feel empty? We all scan these blogs because we are worshippers of food. Satiety is usually the goal, but without the opposite, sometimes we can’t fully appreciate it. When your palate is bombarded with so many different flavours and textures, most of the time we forget to taste. I can tell you a crisp apple has crunch, sweetness and an enticing aroma – but perhaps you have to be focused, calm and empty to appreciate it. Go on, give it a try!

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